Hand-made products, hand-milked goats

Meet the Maker
My name is Jenna and I live on a family run dairy farm in rural Nova Scotia, with my husband and our three young children.
I raise Nubian goats, and while they are mostly just well loved pets, I also milk them. That milk is used is all the skin care products that I make and sell.
I started making soap in 2017, when I needed to find a use for the excess of milk my goats were producing.
At first, I gifted the soap to family and friends, but then I started getting requests from people looking to buy. I started selling through social media and at the farmers market, then developed a website and consistent online sales. It grew slowly over the years to what it is now!
Family Values
My workshop is lovingly dubbed my “soap shack” and was built by my father. It took my production out of our kitchen and into an area dedicated entirely to this. It is a small, practical space, and it is where I process and store all the milk.
Everything I do, I do with my children underfoot. They love the goats and all of the tasks that come with raising them.
This business allows me to work from home, and that is a privilege I am most grateful for.

Meet the Goats
I have a small herd of purebred Nubian goats.
Nubians are the breed of goat that have the distinct long ears and a roman nose. They can be almost any colour or pattern, and produce a rich, high-fat milk.
The goats are pets, first and foremost, and live a happy and relaxed life. They love to socialize with each other and with us, napping in their barn or outside in their grassy pasture.
The milk used in every product I sell comes exclusively from my herd of goats. They produce the most beautiful, creamy milk.

Livestock Sales
I am currently in a “herd rebuilding” stage, and while I work to get my numbers up, I will be retaining most doelings. In 2024, I will have a small number of young males for sale and potentially doelings.
Feel free to reach out with any questions you have or to discuss my waitlist.
Bulk orders are available at a reduced rate, and the options are endless with regards to the type of product (ie: scent, colour etc.) you would like. Please contact me to discuss this further.
I offer soap making classes, in person, for small groups. I am working toward offering online soap making classes as well. Stay tuned for more information on this. I am happy to answer more specific questions as well. Contact me here or on social media.